Nothing beats the feeling of looking at a sale and purchase agreement with your name on it and realising your home ownership dreams just became a reality
I’ve lived and breathed mortgages since I was branch manager of PostBank Shirley at just 22 years old. I’ve been a Mobile Mortgage Manager since 1995 and also own several investment properties. Sure, that makes me a bit of a mortgage nerd (and I try not to bore people at parties by talking about lending structures and interest rates).
But it also makes me the person you want on your side when you’re considering a mortgage or refinancing. I’ve seen every type of loan and structure possible, and having previously worked for banks I know the industry inside-out and backwards.
Now as an independent broker I can give you expert, unbiased advice on what the best mortgage is for YOU.
My approach is to ‘do the right thing by my customers’. I still have clients from when I started 30 years ago! I’m the trusted adviser, they call on whenever they need.
Maybe you’re buying your first home, but you’ll probably buy several properties over the years and I want you to be so rapt with my services that you call on me again.
Mortgage Adviser
Member, Canterbury Property Investors Association